The Benefits of Professional Organizations
June 2009

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April 2009
UNIV 101 Online Curriculum


P1. Design a 4-year education plan including major and courses required.

P2. Develop a
realistic time-schedule based on class-time, study-time,
        work-time, and extra-curricular activities for the semester.

P3. Produce a collaborative project with three additional 101 students without
        meeting face-to-face.


Master Technical Content:

     Demonstrate knowledge of technical aspects of completing course through Blackboard.

             P-3: Upload a Podcast.

             P-1, P-2, P-3: Manipulate Blackboard by posting assignments

P-1, P-2, P-3: Create journal notes within the Blackboard system.

Develop Academic Skills:

Provide writing assignments appropriate for a college freshman.


P-1, P-2, P-3: Create and submit a one-page journal via Blackboard              each Saturday.

            P-1: Write a ten page literature review on the foundations of your choice of major.
Orientate to Campus Community:

Understand the potential impact of the campus community on a
          traditional-aged student.


            P-2: Attend two on-campus cultural offerings. 
            P-2: Join one registered student organization.

P-1, P-2, P-3: Visit the campus writing center.

Self-directed Learning:

Demonstrate and understand the importance of the management of time.


P-1, P-2, P-3: Plan the dates to complete assignments by sections while utilizing the course syllabus.
P-1, P-2, P-3: Institute a daily checklist containing to-do lists.

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